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DOGGY DAYCARE - for dogs of all breeds and sizes
The importance of socialization and activation
In order for dogs to thrive and be able to live harmoniously with their human(s) and socialize with other dogs in peace and harmony, they must be socialized early in life. This also applies continuously in life, but especially the first 16 weeks are important for the dog's well-being in the future. This period can be described as "a window" in which the dog is particularly receptive to new impressions. However, one should not give up if one has not reached the goal during this period. The dog can easily learn afterwards as well. It may just require a little extra training.
Below you will find links to articles that shed light on why socialization and activation are SO important for dog welfare.
In the folder "The Puppy" from The Animal Foundation, you will find a lot of basic knowledge about socializing your puppy. Access the folder here.
Johnny Eriksen . Kennel Bi-Jo Bassen - Socialization of puppies - self-confidence test. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAu6z90ON9s
Safe Dog . Puppies are socialized when they play with other dogs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gQ3MV5N3dY
Dogwhisperer.dk . SOCIALIZATION BUT HOW? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxofJYBcVKk
Oliver's Petfood. Socialize your puppy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxUys5Bn14g
DKK: Socialization is important.
DCH Bjerringbro. List of suggestions for socialization and environmental training of the puppy.