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DOGGY DAYCARE - for dogs of all breeds and sizes
Hundeleg i Hundehaven Potefryd - en dagpleje for hunde i Aarhus og omegn.
Hundehygge i Hundehaven Potefryd - en dagpleje for hunde i Aarhus og omegn.
Hundehygge i Hundehaven Potefryd - en dagpleje for hunde i Aarhus og omegn.
Hundeleg i Hundehaven Potefryd - en dagpleje for hunde i Aarhus og omegn.
What is a Doggy Daycare?
It is a daycare, a dog nursery and a playground for your dog.
And not least a place for dogs whose owners have a long working day !
The doggy daycare is for loving family dogs, who deserve a little extra company, play and attention in everyday life.
Why Doggy Daycare?
Because your dog gets ...
Lots of dog friends!
Because you get ...
A clear conscience!
A calm dog at home!
Read about us at
Upcoming Events
- Multiple DatesSun, Jan 26Hundehaven PotefrydJan 26, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PMHundehaven Potefryd, Edwin Rahrs Vej 78, 8220 BrabrandKom til hvalpetræf i Hundehaven! Giv din hvalp mulighed for at komme ud og få hilst på en lille flok af forskellige andre hvalpe og få leget med en eller flere. For alle hvalpe mellem 16 uger og 12 måneder. Din hvalp skal være vaccineret for at kunne deltage.
- Wed, Jan 29Hundehaven PotefrydJan 29, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PMHundehaven Potefryd, Edwin Rahrs Vej 78, 8220 BrabrandDoes your dog pull on the leash, jump up on guests, bark in the garden or present similar problems that are a daily annoyance to you and / or the surroundings ...? Then join us for this lecture where you will learn how to address such challenges with your dog.
- Multiple DatesThu, Feb 13Hundehaven PotefrydFeb 13, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PMHundehaven Potefryd, Edwin Rahrs Vej 78, 8220 BrabrandHundehaven Potefryd inviterer til legeaften for alle hunde – både større hvalpe og voksne hunde.
- Thu, Mar 27Hundehaven PotefrydMar 27, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PMHundehaven Potefryd, Edwin Rahrs Vej 78, 8220 BrabrandDoes your dog pull on the leash, jump up on guests, bark in the garden or present similar problems that are a daily annoyance to you and / or the surroundings ...? Then join us for this lecture where you will learn how to address such challenges with your dog.
Vi er overvældede af glæde og taknemmelighed!
Foreningen Hundehaven Potefryd har modtaget helt fantastisk støtte fra hele 8 fonde.
Støtten går til udviklingen af vores frivillige arbejde i hundedagplejen. Fondenes støtte betyder ALT for os og vores frivillige.
En kæmpe TAK til følgende fonde for deres storsindede bidrag:
Gl. Skanderborg Fonden
Det Obelske Familiefond
Elly Valborg og Niels Mikkelsens Fond
Lauritzen Fonden
Oda og Hans Svenningsens Fond
Ebbefos Fonden
Frimodt-Heineke Fonden
Frøken Ester Bruhns Fond
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Dogs at the daycare
We almost can't believe it, and nor can all the happy dogs...
1,000 thanks to Foreningen Østifterne, Asta & Jul. P. Justesen's Foundation, the Jascha Foundation and the Danish Energy Agency for the generous grants for as many as 3 heat pumps in our dog daycare. The support makes a huge difference to both our four-legged friends and to us who look after them.
Now we no longer have to worry about the cold in the winter months.
We want to share this fantastic news and great joy with all of you who support and follow us every day. Without the support of well-intentioned foundations, this would not have been possible.
Once again, thank you very much for the generosity of the donors and for helping us create a better environment in our doggy daycare.
Make a bargain on our auction site
Auctions in favor of Hundehaven Potefryd
Anyone can put up auctions with every conceivable item for sale.
Fill up your car at OK and support us
OK gives 5 øre per liter of fuel in support of the doggy daycare. ​
Download the app and select Foreningen Hundehaven Potefryd under Sponsor Support.