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Provisions for membership and care of dogs

In the Association Hundehaven Potefryd (hereinafter “Potefryd”) the following provisions apply regarding the care of dogs. When subscribing to membership, these provisions are accepted.
  1. Potefryd must be informed if the dog has been or should be exposed to a bad experience with one or more dogs outside Potefryd.

  2. If the dog eats a larger meal later than two hours before it is delivered to Potefryd, the risk of stomach upset increases.

  3. The dog must be treated preventively against fleas, worms and parasites. Should it nevertheless become infected, Potefryd must be informed immediately, so if necessary. owners of infected dogs can be notified. The dog only has access to Potefryd again when it is infection-free.

  4. The dog must be vaccinated according to the veterinarian's recommendations, including having received the annual BbPi vaccine against kennel cough.

  5. Males older than 10 months must be neutered (possibly chemically).

  6. The dog will

    • be offered treats unless otherwise agreed

    • could eat treats lost on the floor notwithstanding the above

    • be offered drinking water from a common water bowl

    • stay in a transport cage or in a dog basket during rest time

    • be walked for a short distance around the building

      • The dog will be on a leash when it goes outside with a dog sitter and only gets the leash off again when it is back in Potefryd's premises. If the dog wrings itself free of the leash or the dog wrings the leash out of the hand of the dog sitter, Potefryd cannot be held responsible for the consequences.

  7. If the dog becomes ill or injured, the owner is contacted immediately, unless there is an emergency. In that case, a veterinarian will be contacted first. If Potefryd assesses that the dog may be seriously ill or badly hurt, Potefryd has permission to arrange a veterinary consultation at the owner's expense. If the dog is found to be affected by a serious and contagious disease, it will be isolated until it can be picked up by the owner.

  8. If the dog is injured by another dog during a stay in the daycare, so that it becomes necessary to have it examined by a veterinarian, the bill for this will have to be covered by the harmful dog's liability insurance. If this does not cover, the bill is divided between the two owners. Potefryd can not be held responsible for costs associated with this. Only Potefryd's staff decides the 'division of roles' in disputes between dogs, including identification of the harmful dog.

  9. The dog must be covered by the statutory liability insurance. Potefryd recommends that it is ensured that this is also valid in a dog daycare and that, if necessary, a liability insurance is taken out with extended coverage for this.

Contact Us

Tel .: +45 50 51 66 68


Find Us Here

Foreningen Hundehaven Potefryd

Edwin Rahrs Vej 78

DK-8220 Brabrand

(directly opposite BOXIT)

VAT no. DK40745939

Opening Hours








6:30am - 5:30pm

6:30am - 5:30pm

6:30am - 5:30pm

6:30am - 5:30pm

6:30am - 5:30pm



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