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DOGGY DAYCARE - for dogs of all breeds and sizes
Statement of consent regarding the use of images and video
By subscribing to The Association Hundehaven Potefryd (hereinafter “Potefryd”), I consent to Potefryd being allowed to use pictures / videos of my dog in both printed material and on digital platforms. I am aware of and accept that my dog and its name may appear in pictures and / or videos as a result of a search made by search engines such as Google.
I consent to Potefryd being allowed to use:
Pictures / videos that my dog and its name appear on
for the following purposes:
Illustrations for marketing the association in printed material:
Brochures, catalogs, calendars, flyers etc.
Illustrations for marketing the association via its profiles on social media:
Facebook: https://facebook.com/hundehavenpotefryd
Instagram: https://instagram.com/hundehaven_potefryd
YouTube: https://youtube.com/hundehavenpotefryd
Information about your rights
You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the data controller, who is the association's treasurer, see https://hundehavenpotefryd.dk/bestyrelse
If you have questions about The Association Hundehaven Potefryd's processing of your data, you are always welcome to contact the association's chairman. The same applies if you want your data deleted.
If you wish to complain about our processing of your data, please contact the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 1300 Copenhagen K, tel. No .: 33193200, e-mail: dt@datatilsynet.dk